Glove Transition
Art Objects:
Two deconstructed pairs of shower scrub gloves that washed the artist’s body for up to 4 months, embroidery floss, thread, surgical hemostat, audience participation. Dimensions variable. Each piece between 4”-9”.
02:27 min.
This set of four malleable art objects explores the ambiguous and multi-faceted signifiers of forms of human genitalia and how we gender them. It is inspired by gender-affirming surgery (previously known as “the sex change” or sexual reassignment surgery) for trans individuals. The shower scrub gloves were used to wash the artist’s body over the period of several months. These gloves were cut up, rearranged, and sewn back together into abstracted genital forms that are pubic, vaginal, phallic, clitoral, labial, scrotal and in-between. The four “bodies” created exist in a state of being simultaneously either, both, or neither sex. These structures can be further altered by the viewer, who is invited to explore them, poke them, prod them, flip them inside out and arrange them to their liking. This invitation to play with genitals evokes humor and silliness, however the audience also have a real and sinister volition over these strange “bodies.”